A wise person once said it's better to spend your money on experiences vs. things and the older I get the more this resonates with me. Perhaps that's why I race so much. Some of my most cherished moments have come from races or from the training required to do these races. It's no wonder sport plays such an important part in my life. Instead of fancy clothes or the latest and greatest thing, I chose to spend my money on DOING things like races. It's an added bonus if we travel somewhere to race. Last year my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage and instead of getting each other an expensive piece of jewelry, we decided to take a 3 week trip to Europe and throw a half Ironman race in there for good measure. Because that's what we like to do. We shared so many incredible moments on that trip, and those are memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Running down the finishing chute at Luxembourg 70.3 after having a great day of racing. |
Climbing to the top of Alp d'Huez |
Running and triathlon have brought so many wonderful people into my life. I've made some incredible friends, whose company and friendship I will always cherish.
Boston 2013 - Before all hell broke loose. |
Me & my pal David post Scotiabank Half this year. Such a fun day. |
Me and Irina at the Woodstock Tri this year |
The West Toronto Pacers Crew -stopping for coffee mid ride - Summer 2014 |
With some of my closest friends at Ironman Switzerland in 2008 |
Training for Ironman Lake Placid in 2006 - it was the May long weekend and it snowed! |
The West Toronto Pacers Crew after Harry's Spring Run off this year |
Running is
how I met my husband. I can't even begin to describe how much it means to me to have someone as supportive and encouraging as him by my side. I know how lucky I am. We share the same passion for racing and leading a healthy lifestyle and I cherish that every single day.
The finish line of my first Ironman - Lake Placid 2006 |
What are some of your most cherished sport related memories?
Thanks to Deb at Deb Runs for another awesome Wednesday Word Prompt!
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