Sunday, October 12, 2014

An Attitudue of Gratitude

Thanksgiving has got to be one of my favourite times of the year.   It's a relatively chilled out holiday in comparison to Christmas.  You still get all the food and family time, you just don't get the presents and all the insane running around to get said presents.  I'm ok with that.  I actually think that lack of distraction really makes me appreciate all that I have to be grateful for. After these last few weeks of feeling not quite like myself, things finally seem to be turning the corner.  These last couple of days have made me realize just how important physical activity is in my life, not only for my body but for my mind.  

I laced up my shoes on Friday and went out for my first run in 19 days.  I swear I smiled the entire time.  During that run, and yesterday's ride I kept thinking about how awesome it was to be outside and moving.  As usual, my mind started to wander and I thought about all the wonderful little things that I'm grateful for:   

Running.  Family.  The wind in my hair.  Hard earned sweat.  Fall Colours.  Sunshine.  Fresh pavement.  2 Wheels.  Friends, both near and far. 

 My health.  Potential.  Legs that allow me to climb this, even after some time off:

Sure it wasn't pretty but there's nothing quite like the feel of burning lungs & screaming legs to remind you of what it feels like to work hard. 

There's always something to be grateful for, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.  You just have to maintain an attitude of gratitude. 

What are you thankful for?


Abby said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love that it is really calm in my family. Just good food, time with family, and relaxing. Hope you enjoy yours.

Kristen said...

I would have to agree that Thanksgiving is such a great time to relax, enjoy time with friends and family, and take a moment to reflect on the things we are grateful for. Growing up, it was one of the only times my family and I would gather and eat around the table. I always enjoyed the change and time together.