I think Spring has finally arrived. This week's forecast is looking pretty darn sweet. Other than today and Friday but it's Spring, of course there's going to be rain. At least it's warm.
I was wondering where this warmth was on Saturday when we went out for our ride. It was supposed to be 10 degrees and sunny but it wasn't. It was more like 3 degrees, cloudy, freezing and insanely windy. Which made me kinda cranky. But I was outside and not on the trainer so really that's never a bad thing. It COULD have been worse. It could have been raining. So there's that.
The reason we look so happy is because we're almost done. |
This weekend seemed particularly whirlwind-ish. We were out for dinner with friends on Friday night so that was a late night. Saturday we rode, then we went straight to our local bike shop so G could drop off his bike to have them fix the brakes. I decided to wander around in the clothing section when G tells me to come out and look at some pedals as I'm going to need them for when my new bike arrives. I walk out to the counter looking around, wondering where the pedals are that G is talking about when he says to me Oh look - and points to my right. I turn to look and it takes me a minute to figure out what I'm looking at - then I realize that it's my new bike. It FINALLY arrived. It had come in the day before so G wanted to surprise me. I have to say I'm not totally in love with the way it looks - there's too much black on it, which is easily fixable with some bar tape and maybe a different saddle. But, I really like the way everything feels. The shifters and brakes are easily accessible for me and I like the way the hoods have a mini bar that pokes up a bit so you can rest your hands there. Surprisingly I haven't ridden it yet. I just didn't have the time this weekend but with the weather forecast looking like it does, I'm pretty sure it will get taken for a spin this week. Of course, it has a name and of course it's named after another Rush song.
Ladies and Gents, meet Snow Dog.
It's a Specialized Ruby Elite Disc. It's women's specific so everything seems to fit me just a bit better. I have very small hands so braking on downhills was quite challenging. I'm not the best descender so I'd be gripping the brakes so hard my hands would cramp. With disc brakes I don't need to apply as much pressure.
After the bike shop, we raced home, showered and then did a bit of shopping at a sample sale and then from there, I went to meet the lovely
Irina for dinner and we ate all the sushi and gabbed our faces off. That was so much fun.
Sunday was also a bit crazy between swimming, grocery shopping, plan writing, doing my long run, some meal prep and then going for a massage, I didn't really have much down time. Now that we've committed to race in 8 freaking weeks, it's just going to get worse. Speaking of which, I really need to up my training game. I had grand plans for last week but the
Meh's got the better of me and I bailed on a few of my workouts. Very easy for me to do when I don't have a coach to report to. This is how my last week looked.
Monday: OFF
Tuesday: am 1 hour workout with Justin. He totally killed me. pm - 9km shufflefest due to my incredibly sore legs.
Wednesday: am: 2500m swim, pm: 40 minute ride with 3x1 min all out efforts. My anaerobic threshold sucks right now. I need to do some work there.
Thursday: I was still so sore from Tuesday's workout I skipped the gym. I did 20 minutes of physio work. I didn't even feel like doing anything when I got home either. Then I signed up for Eagleman. Ha. ha.
Friday: 2300m swim
Saturday: 48km ride outside in the cold and wind
Sunday: 2450m swim followed by a 16.2km run in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. FINALLY!
Total time: 8h 48 minutes.
I need to get my butt in gear over the next 8 weeks.
How was your week of workouts?
I'm over here drooling at your new bike and laughing at your comments that there's too much black on it. I'd take it! What an awesome machine....
LOL - thanks Wendy! It's pretty sweet really. I can't wait to take it for a spin!
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