Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Wee Hiccup

I had hoped to start off my marathon training on the right foot but it seems that events of the last few weeks have conspired against that.  The first week of training saw me working on a huge project that involved 34 talent and an over night shoot at a Casino in Brantford.  I ain't no spring chicken any more so I don't really "do" all nighters.  The shoot was on a Monday night into Tuesday morning.  Tuesday is my tempo day.  I had a sneaking suspicion that I wouldn't be doing my tempo that day.  Especially given that my work day was going to be ending sometime around noon after starting at 10 am the day before.  No biggie, I just opted to do it on Wednesday morning.  But that threw off my entire week of training.  Well that and the fact I thought it would be smart to go to the gym and do a leg workout the day after a 15km tempo run. Ummm...not so smart.  My quads cramped up so hard it hurt to walk.  I had DOMS for days.  So my interval run that I planned to do on the Friday didn't happen.  My Saturday run was a painful shuffle.  My Sunday long run ended up being a good one but it didn't start out that way.  Another busy week at work meant that I didn't get out early enough on Tuesday to get my 17km tempo run in.  I at least managed to get a 10km tempo done.  I thought, fair enough, I'll make up the distance on Thursday night's run.  That was not to be.  When I got home after my Tuesday night run, I was slapped sideways with a nasty cold that came out of nowhere.  Fever, sinus pain, congestion.  What I really needed was to take a day off but because I was so busy at work, I wasn't able to do so.  Wednesday and Thursday were a blur.  I was in no condition to run on Thursday and to top it off, I worked late.  That was it, I had enough.  Friday I stayed home and rested.  By the end of the day I started to feel better.   Still not 100% but getting there.   This morning I woke to snow and -20 degrees with the wind chill.   I thought about going for a run for about 2 seconds and then figured it might be wise to give myself one more day.   So, I spent the morning sitting in front of the fire, catching up on PVR'd shows and cleaning.  Now the sun is out and I'm kinda itching to go out and play.  But I know better.  Tomorrow is another day and I should be good to go if I get one more solid night of sleep.
I'm not pleased with these last few weeks but, it is still early in my training and this was just a wee hiccup in the grand plan.   I'll be back on track tomorrow, even if it's -20 and snowing.


aggosst! said...

I'll be out there with ya! 19K on trail and through terrain tomorrow!

Phaedra Kennedy said...

Sounds like fun! Hope you'll be wearing snowshoes, ha!